C.M. Pagels

My name is Bard the Changeling and in 2010 I hiked the AT from Pennsylvania to Maine. The AT and I have some unfinished business, approximately 1,175 miles of unfinished business. The strength and lessons wrought from hiking everyday have lost its luster in my current form. I want to find my balance again.


Micro-sponsorships: Food Drops

Micro-sponsorships: Food Drops

Bard the Changeling discusses how friends and family can sponsor you in a little way: food drops.

Jun 28, 2015 : C.M. Pagels
Three or Five million steps?

Three or Five million steps?

Bard the Changeling decides whether to SOBO thru-hike or hike his remaining section from PA-GA. Does he want to get nostalgic or does he want to tread new ground?

Jun 21, 2015 : C.M. Pagels