Erica Notini

2017 AT Thru Hiker and outdoor enthusiast, I have been hiking in and around the White Mountains of NH since I was 6 with my mom and brothers. After finishing the AT, I pursued my goal of spending my life outside by becoming a guide for a wilderness therapy program. Despite living in the woods for a living, the lure of thru hiking has persisted. Stay tuned for more adventures to come!


The Current State of Affairs

The Current State of Affairs

Hello all! No, I have not dropped off the face of the Earth, although I can understand if that's what everyone thinks. While this may not

Feb 27, 2017 : Erica Notini
On Feeling Stuck

On Feeling Stuck

Some lovely photos from my day hike on the Jefferson loop in the Whites. I'm not on the trail, and there's nothing I can do about it. Instead,

Sep 1, 2016 : Erica Notini
Inside the Mind of a Future Thru Hiker: Why I’m Insane Enough to Hike the AT

Inside the Mind of a Future Thru Hiker: Why I’m Insane Enough to Hike the AT

I'm f*cking terrified. That's right, scared shitless, petrified, shaking at the knees, spooked, horror-stricken, however you want to say it. Being out in the woods ALONE at night actually scares the crap outta me.

Aug 16, 2016 : Erica Notini
A Very Anticipated and Highly Expected Journey

A Very Anticipated and Highly Expected Journey

Wow. Okay, cool this is actually happening. I guess I should tell you people who I am yeah? Yeah.

Aug 3, 2016 : Erica Notini