
Trail name: Rucker! Completed a NOBO thru-hike of the AT in 2016. Attempting a SOBO thru-hike of the PCT in 2017. Born and raised on a farm located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Currently residing in Charlottesville, VA. Favorite Mountain- Mary's Rock, Shenandoah National Park. Favorite trail food-Maple, brown sugar oatmeal with a packed out mushy banana and instant coffee. Favorite piece of gear- a plastic spoon I got for .99 at Mountain Crossing, GA. Most quoted book- The Alchemist


A thought about home…

A thought about home…

I have decided not to take Doyles class and I am at peace with this decision. I believe the people we meet and the relationships we make are

Oct 7, 2015 : Isabelle
Oh, him? No, save your money

Oh, him? No, save your money

Work on Monday morning was exciting, I put in my one week time-off request for November to attend Warren Doyles class at the Appalachian Trail

Oct 6, 2015 : Isabelle
Becoming who?

Becoming who?

I took Friday off from work. Nathan and I had plans to go to a friends wedding in Cape Hatteras, though unfortunately, it was canceled do to

Oct 4, 2015 : Isabelle