Mary Meixner

I hail from Ohio, the state with no mountains, so this mountain-seeking girl is heading for the Appalachian Trail in 2017! I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 2013 and have been working in the animal care field ever since, taking care of everything from horses to snakes to tigers to bears to eagles. At present, I am the Curator of Birds at a sanctuary for birds in Ohio. I am not sure where in life I want to go from here, so I am hoping that spending four months in the woods will help me discover some direction. Happy Trails! “Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”


Week 3: If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans

Week 3: If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans

Over two hundred miles in now, and I can feel my trail legs kicking in! My third week on the trail has been good. Currently I am staying at a hostel

May 13, 2017 : Mary Meixner
Week 2: Is there such a thing as fake thruhiking?

Week 2: Is there such a thing as fake thruhiking?

A week of being spoiled before returning to actual thruhiker life.

May 5, 2017 : Mary Meixner
My First Week on the Trail: Embracing the Life

My First Week on the Trail: Embracing the Life

My first week as a thruhiker.

Apr 30, 2017 : Mary Meixner
Introducing Flat Elliott! (and the rest of my gear list)

Introducing Flat Elliott! (and the rest of my gear list)

All the usual thru-hiking gear and an unusual mascot.

Apr 10, 2017 : Mary Meixner
The Reasoning in this Madness: Why I’m Hiking

The Reasoning in this Madness: Why I’m Hiking

This is madness. This is thru-hiking the AT. This is why I'm embracing the madness and thru-hiking the AT.

Feb 3, 2017 : Mary Meixner
A Shameless Plug for Bears

A Shameless Plug for Bears

Bear stories from an animal keeper: Enjoy and be smart about bears.

Jan 18, 2017 : Mary Meixner
3, 2, 1 Panic

3, 2, 1 Panic

Well, it happened for the first time. The other night, I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when suddenly I was struck with a mildly

Jan 11, 2017 : Mary Meixner
Shakedown: Not Shaken

Shakedown: Not Shaken

When a rookie backpacker sets foot on the AT for the first time ever...

Sep 9, 2016 : Mary Meixner
“Something Tookish”: In other words, when a Hobbit decides to leave the Shire…

“Something Tookish”: In other words, when a Hobbit decides to leave the Shire…

When a Hobbit decides to leave the Shire, it can only be for one thing...

Aug 19, 2016 : Mary Meixner