100 Miles Update

109.8 miles into the trail and I have made it into Franklin, North Carolina! I have earned my first shower and real bed. Tomorrow afternoon we will head out again but for now we prep and rest.
We had a lot of mile stones this week that were exciting but faded quickly as we hiked on. On Tuesday, we crossed the state border at mile marker 78.5 to finish Georgia, our first of 14 states.


The next day, we did out first 15+ mile day at 16.3 miles to cross the 100 mile mark. Although I had gotten sick that day and was unable to keep much down, we still pulled big miles and I had a good day.


I’ve been thinking all day how lucky I am to be able to do this. I feel a bit like I am living a dream. (That could be just because I showered though). Although two days ago, I definitely had a rough day. I cannot keep up with everyone’s speed. I can do the number of miles with people but I don’t fly up the mountains and that was definitely hard on me mentally and led me to feel like I didn’t measure up. But I’m out of my funk and realized I don’t have to keep up, I just have to keep going.


So after 100 miles, we have a bit of a routine and I figured I would share that with you guys.
0630 Kaelyn’s alarm goes off. I pretend I don’t hear it.
0645 Kaelyn convinces me to get up (by being completely ready to go and collapse the tent)
0730 Dressed and camp collapsed, get the bear bags and we start cooking our breakfast of oatmeal mixed shake
0800 Start hiking the first 4 miles usually with Kaelyn
1000 First break for a snack of clif bar. If I’m still with Kaelyn, this break is usually 15 minutes. If I’m by myself, this break has lasted longer than an hour…
1200 Take a break to eat lunch of a tuna tortilla or summer sausage with aged cheese. 30 minute break with Kaelyn, longer without.
1300 Some days question why I didn’t pack shorts, other days wonder if I’ll ever be warm again
1400 Last break of trail mix. 5+ miles until home.
1715 Arrive “home.” Kaelyn and Devin (new hiker fam member we picked up) are already there. I immediately change into crocs and then start camp chores (pitching tent, fluffing sleeping bags, getting water).
1730 Inhale dinner
1800 Journal, get water for tomorrow, get ready for bed, hang bear bag, stretch
1900 Bedtime
Do it again.


This is the life, guys! I am going to take my second shower of the day. Thanks for the love and support! Loving the emails and comments.

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Comments 2

  • Savannah Thaler : Mar 12th

    Cat- Loving the blog updates and the instas. I am experiencing the app trail vicariously through you until one day maybe I’ll see some of those view for myself. I feel weird saying “I’m proud of you,” makes me feel like I’m trying to be either your athletic trainer or a grandmother but nevertheless I’ll say it because it’s how I’m feeling right now. You are so cool, I’m honored to know you and I really REALLY hope when you’re off the trail I can hear your stories in person. Missing you and enjoying reconnecting over this incredible journey you are on. Love, Sav

  • TicTac : Mar 14th

    Cat, you need to stop concerning yourself with whether or not you can “keep up” with other hikers. We all have our own pace (which is why it is hard to find a compatible hiking partner) and our own reasons for being on the Trail. As long as you are satisfied you are putting out the miles that makes you happy, stop worrying about how fast or slow other people hike. If you and Kaelyn enjoy spending time in camp together, agree to meet at particular shelters/campsites and let the day take care of itself. There is no one else on Earth that you are there for but YOU, and while it is a tired cliche that often is used to justify misbehavior, HYOH/Hike your own hike.


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