2017 Appalachian Trail thru hike Day 4

The trail! It’s always there, day after day, year after year. As I go along the trail I see evidences of maintenance and trail keeping from long ago. The pioneers of the AT were truly rugged individuals. They didn’t have the luxury of going into a town off the trail to re-supply. Sometimes they had to hunt and forage for themselves as the Native Americans did before them. As I walk this trail I think of those who have walked it and trails like it for centuries. Before the lands were settled there were people living in these mountain, traveling these same trails. How much of our heritage has been lost over the last hundred years as it now is not taught to our children. Walking this trail is opening my mind to God’s awesomeness in a way I’ve not experienced before. I’m very very thankful for this opportunity and I’m grateful for all those who walked before me and those who maintain and preserve the trail! I hope there will be Trails like these for my great great grand children and they can enjoy America as I am!
That’s just what’s on my mind tonight folks. If any of you want to see or read more about my Hike, you can go to my Facebook page, Gary Stell. Thanks and good night from the trail on Day 4.

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