5 things I’m going to miss the most

I’m heading to Georgia for the start of my NOBO thru-hike in 70 days. I’ve been planning and planning and planning and… well, you get it.

It’s all I can think about day in and day out. There are so many things I’m looking forward to: waking up in the woods, fresh air, solitude, not having a schedule. I could go on (some other time).

I’m looking forward to roughing it, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t going to miss anything while I’m trekking along on my biggest adventure yet.

So, yes. I ADMIT IT.

I’ll miss some things.

And I’m not talking about all of the glorious people in my life. I’m talking about THINGS.

Here. I made a list:

  1. My bed – for reasons that I think are obvious.
  2. Heating – being cold is rough. Character building, sure, but still rough. I’m going to miss being able to just turn on the heater and cozy up with a book.
  3. Netflix – I think it’ll be good to get some space from binge watching Netflix shows, but I’ll still miss those long nights of episode-after-episode while inhaling <<insert any snack food here>>.
  4. Vegetables – I love a good vegetable stir-fry. Baked brussel sprouts and asparagus; mouth watering. Due to the weight-to-calorie ratio, I will likely not be carrying many vegetables in my pack. I’ll just have to pack them in my stomach whenever I’m going through a town.
  5. Clean clothes – Wearing a clean set of clothes every single day of the week. Hell yes. But on the trail, weight overrules everything when I’ve got to carry it over 2,000 miles, so….. #smellySteph

I’ll miss these things. And that’s okay.

It will be okay.

I’m fine with missing these things.

But I sure as hell won’t let myself miss this opportunity because of something like Netflix.

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Comments 1

  • Julie : Mar 22nd

    Ooooh so lucky. Look forward to following you. Hoping to hit trail 2018 or 2019. Summer practice to commence end of June. Collecting. So sorry for your toe.


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