Update from the No-Tell Motel

First thing, first. I’m having a blast!

Blogging is Hard…

Blogging in itself isn’t actually all that hard. Blogging from the trail, that’s another story. After putting down about 78 miles in 6 days, it’s been rough finding the extra energy or time to journal, or blog on the phone. I tried blogging from the Hiker Hostel at Mountain Crossings, but that post deleted itself due to lack of WiFi connectivity! Oh well you get stuck with this one from our zero in Haiwasee!

Hiking is Hard…

This seems kind of like a, “duh” moment to me but plain and simple, hiking is hard. If you don’t hike, go do it. Its fun. It’s good for you. It makes you an awesome person! Now try hiking with a 30 pound pack for days at a time! It’s hard as hell but totally worth it! I’ve found that I’m typically a slug hiker. Every hour I’ve moved about 2 miles along the trail no matter what the terrain is like. On a 15+ mile day, I’m hiking for at least 7.5 hours with stops for lunch and water along the way.

People are Awesome…

So far on the trail we have bumped into some awesome people and some amazing Angels! As far as other hikers go, here are some notable characters! Marty… not McFly, Waterboy, Green Hornet, Shoelace, Aaron, H-A-N-S, Rachel, Johnny “The Kid”, Astro, Feral Dad, Mike & Moe, Turtle, Brady, and Pat. Some awesome angels we’ve seen so far are Clarity, King Tut, Grey Ghost, Blast & Sushi! We’ve already been met with trail side, trail-magic at three places and the timing of it all couldn’t have been more appropriate!


I’m still not sure how I feel about taking a zero so early but I’ve heard it’s a necessary evil. We’re taking one today to wait out some thunderstorms up in the mountains and rest up the tired feet!

Trail Names!

Josh is Rambo and I’m Cupcake!

The trail has been exactly what I expected. I love it so far and only have positive thoughts about everything we’ve come across! Everyday I find myself grateful for healthy feet, healthy joints, and the energy to continue on! It’s been great living in the present and spreading good vibes!

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Comments 1

  • John Todd Strylowski : Mar 13th


    I am so happy to hear that you are having the time of your life out there on your journey through the AT. It warms my heart to know that other people (especially friends I grew up with) enjoy the things I aspire to do in my life as well. The task you have set before you is one I intend on doing within my lifespan. In otherwords you are an inspiration to me. Keep it up man I am routing for you two!


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