Am I Ready?

Pleasant Mountain, ME

View from one of my fall hikes. I love western Maine.

I’m sure that’s a question that nearly anyone that takes on a task as large as the one all of us here have committed to.  I spend an inordinate amount of time asking it of myself. What have I missed? Is my backpack, tent, shoes, etc. the right piece of gear? What the hell am I going to eat? What if I break my glasses (I’m pretty much functionally blind without them)? So many questions, so few answers.

I’ve spent the winter mentally preparing myself, reading other author’s posts, researching gear, planning what can be planned. However, according to most, you can plan all you want-the plans usually go out the window as soon as your boots hit the trail. Mother Nature doesn’t care what you have planned. Late May snow storm? Tough cookies. Ten days of rain- suck it up. You’re getting wet. I’m trying not to go overboard with the planning, since it will probably be a waste of time.

Most of my gear is ready to go. Is it the right stuff? Maybe. I’ll find out soon enough. I’ve incorporated as much of the advice as I was able to absorb in putting together what I’ve got so far. Budgeting has been a factor, I can’t afford to have the latest and greatest, but I think I’m splurging where it counts. I’ll be posting a gear list in the next few weeks, so stay tuned. Prepare to sit in judgement of my decisions 🙂

I’ve been following the beginning posts of all the other Trials bloggers that are doing traditional NOBO hikes. So far their reports have pointed out what I just spoke about above- best laid plans and all that. But so far, I am incredibly jealous that they’ve already begun their journeys. I still have about 7 weeks before I begin. Granted I have so much left to do before I go – April is prime time for my charity work. I’m doing a number of events for Extra Life which supports The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital in Portland. So far this year, my team and I have raised almost $8,500 for the hospital – and our big event is about a month away still. And I’ll continue to be raising money for every mile I walk through – you know, if you can spare a few cents/mile, it’ll make a huge difference in the life of a sick child and I would certainly appreciate it as well.

I want to go – every day is one step closer to Harper’s Ferry where I’ll be starting the journey that changes my life forever. I hope you’ll follow along.


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Comments 1

  • Lawnchair17 : Apr 9th

    will-be-66 on the flip flop. Overweight about 50 lbs (6’3 and 230) but not out of shape. Starting my flip flop from HF WVA in – let me check…326 days. Got my gear. Checked my gear. 28 lbs +H2O is a bit much so going to cut. One. More. Pound. And lose 20.

    I will do it. You can do it. Gonna watch you do it.


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