Day 0: Hurry Up and Wait


I spent my last day in the office, dropped the cable box off at the cable company, voted, cleaned my appartment (sorta), and I thought long and hard about re-weighing and packing my gear before I decided to watch two episodes of “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” instead.  In bed around midnight.


I woke up at 7 to odor treat my clothing before running a 10k with my sister.  Then it was more laundry, mosquito treatment, and dinner with the family to say goodbye.  Home at 9PM for more cleaning and finally packing my gear.  Bed… Not until 1AM.


Up at 3:45.  More cleaning.  More packing.  Dead panic.  Plane leaves at 8am.  Ride leaves at 6:30.  Plane, train, wait for a guy with a van.  Four hours of travel later, I am at the Hiker Hostel.  Now the next four have been spent sitting on a couch.  Hurry up and wait.

Months of thinking, dreaming, and planning stuck on a couch waiting for morning.

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