Days 133 to 140: No! Not Bertha!

Rangely, ME to Monson, ME

What does finishing strong look like? Is it pushing your limits and crushing some big miles or is it slowing down in order to really take it all in? For me, it means slowing down. I am so over doing the big mile days. I just want to spend the time I have left with my bubble and enjoy all that Maine has to offer.

My goal for Maine is to achieve Mermaid Status.

My goal for Maine is to achieve Mermaid Status.

Since Rangely we have been doing just that. I had what was probably my favourite trail day coming out of town. We had the Saddlebacks to conquer and spent a lot of time sitting on summits and goofing around and just enjoying the magnificent views. We got to work hard and play hard. That night we ended up camping on an old logging road with a waterfall, seriously how perfect is that!?

On Day 135 we hit 2000 miles! I saw the sticks laying on the ground and could not stop laughing. In all honesty I can’t fathom that I’ve come this far and haven’t broken myself (I fall on the daily). That evening Atlas packed out 1 pound of celebratory cherries for us all. That’s how you know folks care.

Bertha and the moment we became 2000 milers! She even stopped squeaking for the day.

Bertha and the moment we became 2000 milers! She even stopped squeaking for the day.

Now you’re probably wondering how this all has to do with “No! Not Bertha!”. Well let me tell you. A couple of nights ago at Horsehoe Canyon Lean-to I had Bertha hanging on a nail on the wall and of course I saw a mouse scamper alone towards her. So I thought I’d be proactive and move her to one of the mouse hangs near the edge of the shelter. Well in he moments before she was moved two mice established residency on my pack. The night ended with me shouting, whipping Bertha back and forth in an effort to shake the mice off of her. Those mice were the worst! The next morning Bolt, who was hammocking behind the shelter, came over asking what all of the screaming was about last night. I felt pretty bad. Moral of the story: don’t mess with Bertha.

I am currently sitting in a bunk room at Shaw’s Hostel after a great Nero in Monson, ME. This is the final trail town before the 100 mile wilderness and ultimately Katahdin. What the crap. That is the phrase that runs through my head the most these days. I wish it was something more thoughtful or inspirational but here we are. What the crap. Tomorrow the final leg of my journey begins with 100 miles of wilderness and I am determined to finish strong.

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Comments 2

  • Kendar : Jul 13th

    Love you girl! You got this! So proud of you!???

  • Kerosene : Jul 15th

    Make sure you stop for a few minutes at Cooper Brook Lean-to to take in the falls. They are gorgeous even in bad weather. I spent most of a day there and was astounded at how many thru-hikers just pushed on by.


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