Days 22 to 31: The Day I Wanted to Quit

Newfound Gap to Erwin, TN


Spewmageddon they call it. This completely awful sickness that has been sweeping it’s way along the Appalachian Trail. It’s actually the Norovirus and I will spare you he details of what it does to your system. It hit my crew all at once last night/this morning. So we turned our 13.5 mile day into Erwin, TN into a ~2 mile today and called a shuttle.

Basically the first thing we did upon reaching our room in the Super 8 was collapse on beds, call our families and proceed to cry. I will not lie – I can become a huge baby when I get sick.

Today was the first day I seriously considered my options but luckily when assuring my mother I’m not usually this upset I was able to remember why I’m doing this is the first place. So I went back to my lists! To those of you who have not made them yet – DO IT! It will save your butt from quitting.

I had 5 major reasons why I was embarking on this journey. So far all of them have blown me out of the water.

“Adventure:? I want to actively seek adventure in my life and this feels like the next adventure I need to take.”

This for sure the biggest adventure I’ve ever been on. It poses new challenges and rewards everyday. A huge part of the adventure for me is all the new people.

“Simplicity: ?I want to experience the neat simplicity’s that the trail offers. I need a change of pace and scenery”

I had a great talk with Slug yesterday. We were marvelling at how amazing the human body is and how when you strip your life of all that stuff you find you’re more appreciative of it and what it can do.

“Timing: ?I need some time to figure out what to do next. The timing is right to go on this totally epic and amazing adventure!”

The timing is still right. I landed a job with the best employers who are so supportive of my hiking adventure.

“Me:? I want to learn more about myself and what I can accomplish”

I am a badass hiking machine. I am a so much stronger than I could have ever imagined. I have hiked more than 300 miles!!!

“Creation:?I am constant awe of God’s creation. “I yearn for mountains I haven’t even seen” so I intend to see them”

No matter how terrible the day might be every time I see an amazing view I feel so happy! I know that I’ll feel better after I’m back in the mountains and done with being sick.

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Comments 2

  • Caleb : Mar 27th

    Way to stick it out! I’m not an AT thru hiker (yet), but I am a runner. I have a personal mantra that helps me while running, “never stop on an uphill”. Hills are hard and seem to go on forever in the moment. They make my mind focus on the immediate discomfort rather than the long term goals. I think the same can be applied long distance hiking, “never quit on a bad day”.

  • Ann Maher : Mar 27th

    Oh Lisa, I hope you all get better soon. Life does send challenges to all of us but the flu is yucky.
    We had a wonderful visit with your Dad, Susie and Daisy who is Baileys new best friend next to Bogey of course.
    Your brother won the Spring Splash race in his kayak, wait till you see the video, it is awesome.
    Grampa and I and Bailey are in Stratford visiting Margaret and Bailey is having his first night in a hotel, he thinks it is fun so far.
    Lovely to talk to you, look forward to doing so again.
    Rice, applesauce and bananas for diariah, sp?
    Take care, my love,


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