Days 83 to 107: Wait, how am I in Vermont?

Hamburg, PA to Manchester Center, VT (mile 1650.7)


  • Visit from some Toronto friends.
  • Town hopping/deli blazing with a new trail family.
  • Catching up with friends who I hadn’t seen on the trail in months!
  • Realizing mountains are my love language with God.

The full story:

It is crazy to me that just over two weeks ago I left Toast in Hamburg. I camped alone on my first night without my home girl and like your typical girl I had a million thoughts rolling through my head.. Would I have to camp alone every night? Would I catch up with friends? Would I float between bubbles? Would I be lonely? The questions just flooded my head.

My work fam sent me the BEST package. So thankful for all the support I've received from back home.

My work fam sent me the BEST package. So thankful for all the support I’ve received from back home.

My first week was a rollercoaster. I felt super homesick. I started to question what I was doing out here. I wasn’t loving the hiking and was missing my trail family so much. I was so used to rolling into camp at the end of the day and hangling out with Toast and Pen-Dexter. After all, my favourite part of the trail is the people. But after a week I felt way more comfortable doing my own thing. I got to know some new people and caught up to some old friends. I spent a few nights alone but never truly felt alone.

Rebecca and Kristen (and Joy, Kristen's Mom) drove down from Ontario and absolutely spoiled me ??

Rebecca and Kristen (and Joy, Kristen’s Mom) drove down from Ontario and absolutely spoiled me ??

I was lucky enough to cross the PA/NJ border with these two. Never have I been so excited for a new state. I literally ran when I saw it painted on the ground. Rebecca and Kristen seriously impressed me – they didn’t want to do much more than 10 miles and ended up crushing 14 miles on their first day out! We spent a good amount of time just taking in the views and just hanging out together. It was awesome.

Can you tell I was little bit excited?

Can you tell I was little bit excited?

Shortly after the Canadian girls went back home I ended up hiking with an awesome group of thru hikers. Some of which I hadn’t seen since North Carolina! People told me I would run into people down the trail like that but to be honest I didn’t really believe them. It was kind of surreal to see them again!

Meet the fam: Dr Trails, Al Dente, Lightning, Me, and Goldie.

Meet the fam: Dr Trails, Al Dente, Lightning, Me, and Goldie.

Anyways, within a few days we were a self proclaimed trail family. We basically town hopped and just took our time enjoying the HOT weather. We would quiz each other with riddles, puzzle games (like Contact), and would you rathers. There four are HILARIOUS. I was constantly laughing and that made me very happy. Unfortunately, I got a little bit sick and decided to stay behind in Cheshire, MA while the squad continued on another 10 miles. So I am back to flying solo. It is kind of fun getting to float between groups. I find I’m getting to know so many different people that I may not have opened up to otherwise.

When hiker trash takes over Dalton. Lightning, Rasa, Al Dente, Going Postal, MacGyver, Seam, Me, Goldie, Sealtree and Dr Trails. I hadn't seen some of these guys since Georgia!!

When hiker trash takes over Dalton. Lightning, Rasa, Al Dente, Going Postal, MacGyver, Seam, Me, Goldie, Sealtree and Dr Trails. I hadn’t seen some of these guys since Georgia!!

I have also had the opportunity to do a lot more self reflection. This is a huge part of why I came out here in the first place. I have definitely become more easy going, I don’t need to have everything planned out. And it’s so much more fun when you go with the flow! I have also learnt that my love language with God is the mountains. His creation seriously blows my mind. I have been spending a lot of time going through Psalm 8. Hiking alone has really given me the opportunity to have solo time with God and for that I am thankful.

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars which you have set in place. What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars which you have set in place. What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” Psalm 8:3-4

Anyways… that’s all for now,


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Comments 1

  • Mike cassier : Jun 13th

    Dill, my wife and myself are part of the Norwich/Hanover trail angels. We take in hikers for a night or two. As you get closer to Hanover you will most likely hear about us. Give us a call and we will happily welcome you into our home for the evening. Even cook you dinner and breakfast!! We are also Christians. Our names are Mike and Linda. Happy trails!!


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