“Hello Fear, Thank you for being here. You’re my indication that I’m doing what I need to.” – Cheryl Strayed


It is an unpleasant emotion. One that serves an important function in protecting us from harm. Yet, in today’s society it tends to do more harm than good. Now… I do not speak of harm to one’s physical being, but rather the adverse effect “fear” has on one’s ambitions and dreams.

Far too often you will find that we choose what is comfortable and socially acceptable rather than seeking out what we truly desire. There are many factors that play into this, but there is typically an underlying sense of fear that leads us to turn away from our dreams. We fear being judged by others, we fear our own failure, and we fear the uncontrollable. So, as human beings we tend to let “what ifs” and naysayers turn our dreams into distant, foolish memories. In the end we come up with excuses and live in denial as we try to justify not seeking out what was once so important to us.


Koty Sapp


I myself have been guilty of this throughout my life. Especially, when it comes to the fear of being judged and my own failure. You know, it’s funny how the people you think will be supportive in your life tend to be the ones who bring you down. It seems that everyone has a vision for who they expect me to be, but the fact is it usually doesn’t align with what I want in life. I can’t tell you how many times I have been told phrases such as “you don’t need to do that” “there’s always later” “well, I think you should…” and so on.

That’s my biggest fault. Letting others influence my decisions and thus choose my path for me…

What people fail to understand is that I do not wish for your typical ordinary life. A fancy house and car, 9 to 5 job, a basic family, ect… it’s not for me. Yet, that is what most people in my life push for. Sorry, but not sorry. I have my own path to follow. For me the AT is my chance to break away and begin my journey. That is why this means so much to me… I’m not turning the page, but rather burning the entire book that is my life and starting over.


So, what I hope to accomplish with this blog and my photography is to not only share my experiences, but also to inspire others take the leap. Find your own path. It’s okay to be afraid and to fear what may come, but never let it hold you back from what you desire.

Time is not on your side and the world waits for no one. So, stop waiting for change and be the change. You control your future. No one else.

One life. No do-overs. So, make the most of it. Seek out your dreams and become more than ordinary.

brasstown- koty sapp

You can also follow my journey on Instagram @kotysapp

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Comments 1

  • Nadine : Nov 2nd

    best post. best message here. rock on!


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