Getting Closer…


So after a lot of consideration, I have decided it would be best to hike the keys. It really boils down to two concerns, first is safety. I didn’t feel confident in our ability to be able to make it back in the canoes with the dogs should we tip. We are in the biggest model out there and it would be difficult to tip the kayak. But considering the time of year, our direction is into the headwind, passing cruise liners and lack of experience I felt it to be too risky. My second concern was the cost of renting the kayaks and camping in the Keys. It was adding up fast and I am trying to plan a whole year of travel.

With that said, I have already made our first nights reservations near the starting point (Southern Most Monument). We are so excited! I have plans for the first day, and a rough outline of the first leg of the trip.

Overseas Heritage Trail

The ETC is a series of connecting trails starting with the Overseas Heritage Trail which is a bike/walking path in the Keys. This path is still under construction and mostly road walking from what I understand. Our goal starting out is to do high miles as it will be flat and paved. I have not abandoned the idea of exploring the ecosystem. I believe we will be able to do both.

General Concerns

As the time gets closer to our start date I question my sanity. When looking at the big picture it can become overwhelming. It is one thing to talk about your dreams and another to take action. I don’t fear failure only regret.

Mountain Mutt and Gooch the Pooch

Mountain Mutt and Gooch the Pooch

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Comments 1

  • Jessica : Jan 16th

    Hi Pauline;
    I hope you and your family are safe and traveling happily in your journey. We briefly met at Starbucks in Miami on 88 Street. Im glad I stopped and met you and want you to know I admire what you are doing and your kids will forever remember these journeys you have taken them on. I will continue to follow you on facebook, sorry I dont do face book. I wish you and your family a safe trip! Go Sunbutter and the Mountain Mutts!!


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