Leaving Friends and Companions

Robert on the beach near Sihanoukville, Cambodia.   Unwinding from two years of Peace Corps work in Azerbaijan.

Robert on the beach near Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Unwinding from two years of Peace Corps work in Azerbaijan.

Slowly traveling my way from Mingechevir to Springer Mountain, I prepare my mind for the challenges of the AT.  After 11 days of mind clearing meditation near Angkor Watt, I am now on the beach near Sihanoukville, Cambodia.  I have seven days of unstructured relaxation, exercise, and reading.  This is along with structured time for yoga and writing.  Unwinding from a couple of Peace Corps years in Azerbaijan, life on the beach is tranquil and relaxing.  But, I am still feeling bereft due to the recent and abrupt separation from my Azeri friends.  And to my Azeri friends and companions:

H?r ?ey üçün çox sa? olun. M?n Az?rbaycanda 22  ?la ay keçirdim.  M?nim Az?rbaycan xalq?, Az?rbaycan yem?yi: dolma,plov,isti çör?k, Ming?çevir bal???,üç bac? dolmas?; Ming?çevir bulvar?,d?nizi, Kür oteli, onun hovuzu, ?nki?af üçün Maliyy? dostlar?mla futbol oynamaq haqq?nda çoxlu ?la  xatir?l?rim v? anlar?m olub. M?n Amerikada Az?rbaycan haqq?nda:  dostyana, ??r?fli, mehriban insanlar? haqq?nda dan??acam.  M?nim dostlar?m h?r ?ey üçün çox sa? olun. Sizinl? bir yerd? olmaq çox xo? idi.  Sizinl? bir yerd? i?l?m?k çox xo? idi.  Sizi heç vaxt unutmayaca?am.  Salamat qal?n.

I cannot write more today,  I have tears in my eyes……..

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