Minor Illness Setback, but Still Going Strong

Chilli has been battling a sore throat for a few days so we have made the decision to zero here in Cornwall Bridge, CT. Unfortunately, we are paying a premium price for the room at our motel and it’s not necessarily in our budget. But this is one of the obstacles that comes with thru-hiking. The issues that arise when hiking are not always an injury on the trail; sometimes it is a cold or the flu that can wreak havoc on a hikers’ mind or budget.

Hiking Strong

Other than the setback with Chilli’s illness, we have been hiking very strong and are doing well. We have been averaging about 12-15 miles per day, which is our goal. We got into Connecticut and have found the terrain challenging at times and wonderful as well. We had some boulder scrambles, which I love to do, but also some nice rolling flatlands.

New Friends

We have met some wonderful hikers, and an awesome and amazing senior citizen, Happy, who has had some health struggles and as a result is imparting some true wisdom. He says to never put off a dream, seize life in the moment, and enjoy the journey.  He is a WW II veteran and was just an adorable man. I’m not sure I have ever met anyone more positive and upbeat than him.

We also met a woman from California named Sierra. She has hiked the Pacific Crest Trail and led hikers in shelter yoga one rainy night at Wiley Shelter. It was so much fun!  We had eight people packed in a six-person shelter, so needless to say, we got into each other’s personal space.  We did get some good stretching in despite all the giggles and awkwardness.

There are so many others, including Lofty, Stoic, Flo Mo, Galaxy, and Songbird, whom we have crossed paths with many times along our journey and each one has taught us something about the trail or ourselves.

Moving Forward

We are hoping to be able to hit the trail again tomorrow. Chilli and I are going to rest and sleep in clean sheets for one more night and are praying we feel better soon. I don’t think there is anything more miserable than to be sick on the trail. We know that as we continue toward Katahdin the trail will continue to be more challenging. We need both our bodies and minds to be in top condition to be able to handle the challenges ahead.

We got this!

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Comments 1

  • Andy : Jun 28th

    CT and Mass are a good warm up for the rest of New England. You’ll be glad to be that far north when the Dog Days hit and it starts getting real hot. Enjoy your hike.



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