The A.T: A Life Long Love Affair

Wake up, breakfast, meditation, reiki, purify my water, pack up my backpack, disassemble my tent, hike 11-16 miles: left-right-left-right, purify my water, assemble my tent, make dinner, do reiki on my campsite and myself, meditation/ stretching, blow up my air mattress, cuddle into my sleeping bag, put in ear plugs and fall asleep. Wake up. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

The two weeks I was on the trail were filled with so much beauty, cold nights, sunny days, snowy days, lonely moments, campfires, smiles, rainy nights, wind, breweries, laughs, new friends, and even some happy tears. But notice how I said was/ were.

As much as I love the trail and all of its magic, all of its views, all of its mountains, all of its people, I just knew in my heart of hearts six months in the woods would not help me find what I was “searching” for.

Because I realized I already had it.

My planning/ prepping and two weeks and 130 miles were filled with so much growth: physically and emotionally.

My friends, gearing up for this hike was filled with so much and filled with so much healing in itself. While planning: I became strong with my faith in the Universe, my yoga and meditation practice strengthened, I became a Reiki Practitioner, I stopped smoking (I was a social smoker…), and I took time to understand where I was and where I wanted to be.

While planning for this hike, I mended relationships with others and myself, I started new ones, and even got engaged.

When I originally planned this thru-hike, I know I was lost, and I knew I didn’t like the person I was becoming. But I didn’t realize that I’d be found before I even left for the trail. Seems crazy, huh?

Through yoga, meditation and reiki, I have learned to live in my truth and live in my light.

To accept where I was, where I am, and where I want to go. And I know I want to make my way home to Maine, I just don’t want to take six months to get there. On the trail and trail towns, I meditated long and hard on it. I wanted to know for sure.

Tthough meditating on it a lot, I knew I wanted to get off the trail, and turn my thru-hike into a section hike. But I was so afraid. Afraid to disappoint people, afraid of not being good enough, afraid of what people would say or think. So f***ing afraid. It made me feel very alone for a while.

But that’s not living in my truth. That is cowering from it out of fear. It’s doing something because of other people’s opinions. And that’s just something that I cannot do.

So- whether you are disappointed by me, or still inspired by me:

I still hope you support and understand me.

To all the people I met and who inspired me on the trail: I salute you. I am in awe of your spirit and your will to go forth and walk the 2,189 miles to Maine. I am sending nothing but love and light on your journey.

Max, Michael,  Peter Pan, Doc, Bear Bait & friends: I’ll greet you in Southern Maine with beer and pizza!

To my friends and family: I will be seeing you soon.

And to the Appalachian Trail: instead of a summer romance, be ready for a life long love affair of section hikes. I am truly in awe of your beauty.

Until next time,
Cheers and keep chasing that sun!

Liz // Lynx

P.S. I tried to add a bunch of photos, but for some reason it won’t let me. Ooooh well.

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Comments 4

  • Ed England : Mar 26th

    Elizabeth…I share your feelings and have the same challenges only while the AT is on my bucket list I have been to Springer mt. And have touched it in Tn. I have yet to do a section even but the draw is getting stronger! Stay tuned!

  • Vince Piquet : Mar 26th

    Never be disappointed by other’s thoughts of yourself. At the end of the day, the only person looking back at you in the mirror is you. Be true to your dreams and your ol’ man and the rest will come in it’s own good time. Started a SOBO last year and had tendon issues, so its back to ME in June to continue the journey. Fair winds and following seas.

  • Rosalie : Mar 26th

    Elizabeth, never be disappointed in what you’ve accomplished. The preparation in itself plus the 130 miles are more than enough to take pride in. You’ll have a whole life ahead of you to ponder on those feats. Impressive! Congratulations! Safe travels to Wells.

  • Rachel : Apr 4th

    I am so proud of you! Congratulations on following your heart.
    Welcome back to Maine.
    Sending you love and light!
    Happy Feet


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