Why the Heck Am I Doing This?

I heard about this walking thing in March…

One month earlier I had it all figured out. I was gymming every day, pushing and sitting up every night.  I probably should’ve gone for more muscle, maybe put cardio training on the back burner, but cardio is really all I know so I continued it. None of that really matters now, because I threw my routine in the trash and substituted it for unconventional training ways.


Somewhere in the Adirondacks.

My start date is July 1. That’s in six days. I leave for Maine in two days. My fitness level has been full on flushed down the toilet and I struggle to walk up the stairs these days. I’ve been too busy ping-ponging. I have no trouble running up 12 flights of stairs if I thought there was a beer up there – boy, how my lifestyle has changed. There’s a local brewery here with a ping-pong table that’s my absolute weakness. Signal Brewery. Sometimes I bike there so that’s quad-muscle-mountain-training, right? They also have a million people there that are pros and I can never turn down good competition. Honestly, it’s been at least three weeks since I’ve been to the gym, although I’m at a current fiv- day attendance streak at the brewery, ha. Addiction probs? In case you don’t count ping-pong as a sport, I should say I played basketball for basically my entire life. Competitively, I played one semester of OUA and four years of OCAA, which was a blast and a half. I’ll probably go into serious basketball withdrawals out there. So competition is fun, and that’s when I realized I have to give this thing a shot.

This brings me to my point: Why the heck am I doing his?

As a first blog post, this is supposed to be where you get to know me. So far you know how out of shape I am. This means there will be many trials and tribulations that will be struggled through and maybe overcome. I say “maybe” because when people ask my why I’m doing this trail I respond in a way they think I’m going to get eaten by a bear or fall down a hill.

I’ve always been a big-time traveler. The country count is up to 26, featuring myself meandering through foreign cultures experiencing as much as I can, and loving it. The most recent trip brought me to South America, where I figured out hiking is a thing, just so much as drinking beer is in Germany. I was actually trying to get from Peru to the beaches of Ecuador and Colombia, accidentally ending up in a hiking capital known as Patagonia, which also happens to be the complete opposite direction. Now that I’ve been introduced to the hiking world, though, I want to try.

I need to see if I can do it. The end.

The physical and mental challenge is just so great I have to attempt it.

I’m also done school finally, and after five years under the safety of student and jock status I’m left with the decision to find a job, or do this cool thing that I heard about three months ago. So I’ve chosen the latter, and I trained. Then I stopped training, and here I am.

The photo below is actually from a weekend hike in the Adirondacks I did with my friend, Halie. She should definitely be doing the trek instead of me, but sorry, still going. Her gear was waterproof – mine was not. She had a stove – I did not. Her bag was light, mine was heavy – yet she still carried my excess. Now I’ve tried to gear up as best as I could according to what I read, but everything is one bajillion dollars, and how does anyone afford to hike ever? Wow.


Hiker Halie left, me on the right, squinting

Once I calmed down, I found it might be affordable, so thanks to many people, it became possible.

Now, people, here we are, the countdown is on, and if I go to the gym then I may throw off my party routine.

But actually, though, I’m beyond excited. The hiking community rocks, and while I may not be fully ready for this, bring it on.



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Comments 17

  • Jenny : Jun 26th

    I have faith in you friend, mostly in drinking vodka pineapples but still

    • Jenni Thompson : Jun 28th

      Knew you had my back. Bring me a vodka pineapple for the end?

  • john front desk guy : Jun 27th

    I have faith in you. Don’t leave the trail in NY, be shopping all day. Good luck

    • Jenni Thompson : Jun 28th

      HA – right on. Taxes are lower further South anyway!

  • kerry : Jun 27th

    You’re going to have an amazing time. You know how to do this and you’re doing it for a bigger reason than you know. Safe and happy and all the other times along your path. The downs are powerfully healing teachers, so love it all. You’ll find a way!

  • Capt. Norm : Jun 27th

    Good luck Jenni!!!!

    • Jenni Thompson : Jun 28th

      Thank you!! 🙂

  • Scott Brotherton : Jun 27th

    Best of luck and FYI, there are some pretty good breweries along the way… ; )

    • Jenni Thompson : Jun 28th

      Hahahaha relieving to hear, awesome

  • Cameron : Jun 27th

    Enjoy the adventure Jenni. Looking forward to the blog. See you at Signal in 6 months for a beer and a catch up.

  • Kt : Jun 28th


  • Kerry Ramsay : Jun 30th

    Have fun, Jenni!


    • Jenni Thompson : Jul 19th

      Thanks Kerry!!

  • Halie Bradley : Jul 1st

    You’ve got this, Jenni! Just keep walking 🙂 See you on the trail very soon!

  • Scott Brents : Jul 5th

    Glad we got to run into each other. I hope you make it to TN to see your brother. Best of luck!

    • Jenni Thompson : Jul 19th

      Was hoping to run into you guys in Monson! Ha hope you enjoyed the rest.

  • ClicketySnap : Jul 28th

    bahahaha that was an excellent read 🙂 happy hiking!


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