You’re doing what?!

Basically the exact words out of anyones mouth after I tell them of the adventure i’m starting in February are either “you’re doing what?!” or, “It’s going to take you how long?”. I giggle a little each time because it kind of makes me feel like a badass. And a little crazy, cause c’mon hiking 2,189 miles is a little nuts, But it’s mostly badass. “Well what made you want to do that?” is usually the next question. My thought is always “why not?” but then i’d be bombarded with reasons such as: bugs, bears, crazy people, and the fact that again it’s 2,189 miles. So I usually just say it’s because I love nature and I don’t want to wait until i’m retired to start having grand adventures and traveling. This is usually a good enough answer for most but I always feel like a phony when I say it. Granted, I work at a resturant, so most of the time it feels like people are just trying to be nice and make small talk when they ask you what you’re doing with your life, so when I tell them I try to make it as short as possible so as not to suck them into my many reasons why I am hiking. But, I feel like when I tell someone the reasons why I want to hike the AT I should be convincing them that they should also hike it.

Let’s start off with the fact that less than ONE percent of the world’s population has completed a thru-hike of the AT, to be part of that small percent would be the greatest accomplishment of my life thus far. And then you also get to meet people that will join you in becoming that less than one percent, how awesome is it when you meet people that share the same passions as you? Pretty darn awesome if you ask me. So I’m ready to make some friendships that’ll last a lifetime. Silence (probably one of my top reasons), I live with my two brothers and one of their friends, meaning there is rarely a moment when one is not screaming at their video game and driving me nuts. Also, I never feel as relaxed as I do when I’m on a hike or just outside in nature without a thing to do besides appreciate the wonders God has created for us. It is so humbling. So 5-6 months of nothing to do but hike?! SIGN ME UP! Lastly, one of the major reasons I’m starting my hike next year is because I will have received my associates degree and still have absolutely no clue as to what I want to do with the rest of my life. I will go back to school for a bachelors degree but until I figure out what degree that will be, I won’t be wasting anymore money on classes. So 5-6 months should give me plenty of time to ponder all of my options and find what really interests me.

So i’m sorry to all of those who i’ve shorted with my answer and promise it won’t happen anymore, because darn it I am excited and you’re gonna know it!

“In order to kick ass you must first lift up your foot” -Jen Sincero “You are a Badass”



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Comments 4

  • Melinda Crawford : Sep 20th

    Hey!!! So proud of you. As you hike, always take time and see God all around you! Will be praying for safety, guidance, protection and wisdom to follow Gods plan for your life?? Will follow your journey and sending lots of hugs and live??. Love you!!!!

    • Bethany Varner : Sep 24th

      Thank you Mrs. Melinda!! I am so excited to walk this with God and be able to really spend some quality time talking to him and seeing where he takes me afterwards! Love you and miss my Ridgecrest Family!!

  • Daddy V : Sep 30th

    I’m so proud of you my daughter, just like what I loved about growing up with the woods behind grandpa Varner’s, the peace that God provides in the stillness of being within the beauty of nature. wasn’t the AT, but that quietness that you feel surrounded by His awesomeness, is something that many will not truly understand. . . .

  • Kathy Markward (Red Hat) : Mar 5th

    Awesome! You find yourself in much the same situation as my daughter did after her associates degree from Blinn. This journey with God will answer much, and still leave you questioning. I prayed the Aaronic blessing over you and your buddies as you left this morning, so know that He will lift up His Countenance upon you and give you peace!


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