Stacia Bennett

Teacher turned nomad. Aspiring travel nurse. Full-time RV living. Appalachian Trail thru-hiker turned long-ass section hiker. Lover and trainer of dogs. Refusing to believe that after this year I'll no longer be a 20-something. Short term hiking bucket-list: Colorado Trail, John Muir Trail, Foothills Trail, Camino de Santiago.


Tales of Trials and Magic Abound! – Part 1

Tales of Trials and Magic Abound! – Part 1

Otherwise known as the "start" of my thru-hike... although it was really more of an intended 5-day turned 3-day shakedown trip (more on that later).

Apr 6, 2015 : Stacia Bennett
Hikers and Campfires and Trail Celebrities, Oh My!

Hikers and Campfires and Trail Celebrities, Oh My!

Words can't even describe how amazing this past weekend was! Reminiscent of Trail Days but on a much smaller scale (and with less-smelly hikers), the

Mar 11, 2015 : Stacia Bennett
Finally, the Gear List

Finally, the Gear List

I've spent the better part of the last 18 months researching and accumulating gear. Like most thru-hikers, for me it was a constant balance between

Feb 15, 2015 : Stacia Bennett
Countdown to… Crazy?

Countdown to… Crazy?

That's what I hear a lot these days. "That's crazy." "You're crazy!" "How crazy." Well, that's OK. It probably is crazy to choose to live in the

Jan 28, 2015 : Stacia Bennett
Just a long walk in the woods: Why we are drawn to the pilgrimage

Just a long walk in the woods: Why we are drawn to the pilgrimage

pilgrimage noun any long journey, especially one undertaken as a quest or for a votive purpose, as to pay homage As I'm preparing for my

Dec 1, 2014 : Stacia Bennett
Where My Girls At? A Look Into the Absence of Females in the Backpacking World

Where My Girls At? A Look Into the Absence of Females in the Backpacking World

Over the last couple of months I have been planning and going on shakedown hikes to test gear and get some trail miles under my belt before heading

Nov 4, 2014 : Stacia Bennett
A first time for everything!

A first time for everything!

I've previously done very short sections of the Appalachian Trail: a mile or two here and there in NC, a few miles in VA, and Springer Mountain in GA

Oct 14, 2014 : Stacia Bennett
The Art of ‘Pooing in the Woods

The Art of ‘Pooing in the Woods

No, this isn't a post about shitting in the woods. I'll save that for another day. Instead, I wanted to talk a little about one of my goals/reasons

Sep 23, 2014 : Stacia Bennett
Shake Ups and Shake Downs

Shake Ups and Shake Downs

"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." - Dwight D. Eisenhower In planning any grand

Sep 11, 2014 : Stacia Bennett
Mental Battles: Stay the Course… or Trail

Mental Battles: Stay the Course… or Trail

So many emotions flooded my mind as I packed up my car and drove south on Monday. I just spent three unforgettable months tucked away in the North

Aug 20, 2014 : Stacia Bennett