Doctor (re) Visit

10 Aug 2017


AT NOBO Miles – 454 miles
AT SOBO Miles – 298.3 miles
AT Total Miles – 752.3 miles
% Complete – 34.3%
Today’s Miles – 0 miles
Time – 0 hrs
Speed – 0 mph
# States Completed – 4

Start: White River Jct VT
Stop: Gorham NH

Today was my doctor follow-up. I’ve been released to continue hiking the AT. I should be hiking tomorrow.

Dr Matthews was GREAT!

He explained the concern about protecting my finger from dislocating again. It takes about 12 weeks to completely heal, so I need another split (specially made for me) for 2 weeks followed by buddy taping my fingers for 2 weeks.

He and his team were fantastic and got me in earlier than my scheduled appointment. Awesomeness

That’s ALL good news so I can hike again and I’m ready!

BTW There’s a Moose in the hospital….made out of wood.

Sitting around for a week has been boring and expensive. I can see why hikers get off the AT when they run out of funds. Who could have predicted the large $um$ I’ve been going through lately? Good thing I have medical insurance or it would have been a LOT more money.

Now, it’s another appointment for a new splint this afternoon before heading back to Gorham.

I came over to Occupational Therapy hoping to be seen earlier and ran into this secretary…

Just check out her wall of POSITIVITY!

BOOM…they are working me in earlier than scheduled.

The new splint is great.

It allows me to move my finger while keeping it from going backwards too far and dislocating again. I should be able to hike and use my trekking poles with little interference. Good thing because The Whites are in a few days and I KNOW I’ll need to use my poles getting to the top of Mt Washington and the other Presi’s!

A BIG Thanks to James Perry, OT, for getting me in earlier than scheduled and for working your splint making magic.

NOW…Let’s get this party started! My pack is loaded and can’t wait to get it back on my back!

I made the 2 hour road trip back to Gorham NH so I can turn in my rental car tomorrow morning.

I also made a trip back to Rattle River Hostel to Thank Erik and Tracy for all they did in getting me to the local hospital. However, both were gone…

Finally, I took a drive up to see Mt Washington. There is an Auto Tour you can take, but I just pulled over at the lodge. I have a meeting with Mt Washington in a few days…no need in driving to the top when I will be hiking all 6200+ feet in elevation!

Then I was off for my final town meal for a few days. I missed the opportunity at the All You Can Eat Chinese Buffet in Gorham last Friday so I went tonight. Not bad, but way too many choices. After eating Ramen for dinner the last few months, having to make choices about food is more difficult. But I did enjoy it…

Tomorrow, it’s back to a minimalist life hiking the AT. The next 100 miles will be tough, but after that I hope a little easier terrain. That’s One Week of PAIN…but I’m ready for it after my week long break.

Flip GA to VA
Flop ME to VA
“On the road to Damascus”

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