How to Avoid Creepy Men While Hiking

During the early stages of the trail, you will encounter a variety of creepy men. There will be old, creepy men; creepy men your own age who want to land a trail girlfriend; men who are creepy because they try to touch your waist; and, my favorite, creepy men who hike behind you to check out your ass. Don’t worry though, most of the creeps disappear after the Smokies.

I met my favorite creep at the beginning of the trail in Georgia. I shall henceforth refer to him as “Creepy Guy”. I was hiking one day, when an old man kept trying to hike behind me, I think to check out my ass (Note: this is not Creepy Guy). The old man was trying to ask me weird questions like, “How old are you?” and “Are you hiking with those guys back there or are you by yourself?” I finally just had to be rude and tell him that he could pass me because I didn’t want to talk to him.

The group of guys behind me were all going to Hiawassee for the night, and I didn’t want to be stuck at the shelter alone with the old man, so I agreed to go with them when they offered. We went to town and I split a motel room with a few of the guys, which might seem like a bad call, but it’s normal for hikers to go in on motel rooms to save money. Plus, I hadn’t showered yet during my hike, and I smelled bad.

The following morning, I woke up to Creepy Guy stroking my back. I’m not entirely sure what I said, but I left the motel within about ten minutes. A nice lady at the grocery store offered to give me a ride to the trailhead, and I started hiking again. I told several groups of hikers about the strange experience. It seemed rather funny to me once I was back in the woods. After all, I assumed Creepy Guy wouldn’t make it very long on the trail, and I wouldn’t run into him again.

Ironically, I ran into Creepy Guy on and off throughout my entire hike. The last place I saw him was halfway through Maine. Everyone seemed to know the story of our first encounter, and he tried to be polite to me whenever he saw me, although he did make backhanded comments occasionally. The situation became awkwardly amusing for both of us, and we attempted to get along. I think he sort of felt bad, or maybe just embarrassed, that he had stroked my back while I was sleeping. Even more ironically, last I heard, Creepy Guy and I are both planning Pacific Crest Trail thru-hikes for the same year, so the saga is not over.

Judging by my story, I probably don’t seem like a person who has any authority to tell women how to avoid creeps. However, there were countless creeps who I managed to get rid of in no time.

Without further ado, here are my tips for…

How to Avoid Creepy Men While Hiking the Appalachian Trail

1. Don’t be nice to men who make you uncomfortable.

This may seem obvious, but for some reason, we women are instinctually nice to everyone. Like, if a man makes an awkward comment or tries to ask us if we have a boyfriend, we smile and nervously laugh. We might think that our body language is conveying how uncomfortable we are, but in his mind, he thinks, “She’s laughing. She must be interested in me!”

 2. Work on saying “no” and using your bitch face.

Being somewhat polite to pushy dudes in the real world might be a good tactic to avoid awkwardness. After all, you can just go home and never see him again. On the trail, however, being polite to a pushy dude might be seen as an invitation to tagalong with you for multiple days. If a guy makes you uncomfortable and you have no urge to be around him, just suck it up and tell him that you don’t want to hike with him. Two minutes of awkwardness could save you days of annoying company.

 3. Beware of men who offer you Honey Buns.

A hiker offering you a Honey Bun (or any other tasty treat) is the trail equivalent of a guy in bar offering to buy you a drink. He doesn’t really want to part with his Honey Bun, but he thinks that he is courting you in some way. You think, “Yay, a Honey Bun!” He thinks, “She clearly likes me, otherwise she would have turned down the Honey Bun.” I once accepted half of a Honey Bun from a hiker at a shelter, and he thought that it was OK to touch my arm and sit way too close to me afterwards.

 4. Be opinionated, independent, and wear whatever you want.

Someone once told me that maybe I would meet less creeps if I didn’t wear yoga pants while hiking. That person needs to shut-up. I should be allowed to wear whatever I want without creepy men thinking that I’m dressing to attract their attention. Sadly, when your butt is covered in spandex, creeps see it as an invitation to stare.

Counteract your yoga pants by showing people how outspoken and smart you are. Opinionated and independent women are the enemy of creepy men. They will probably leave you alone once they see that you are not an easy target. When warding off creeps, it’s also helpful to throw in a comment like, “I’m really curious to see how powerful my pepper spray is!”

5. Don’t worry too much. Most trail men are nice.

This post might sound like a dire warning, but don’t worry. I only ever met about ten creepy men during my thru-hike, and I never felt like my safety was being threatened. For every creepy man you meet, you’re going to meet thirty nice trail men. Hiker guys are rather chivalrous, and they tend to look out for the girls on the trail.

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Comments 59

  • manandknife : Feb 5th

    You had an old man following you and asking you questions like “are you hiking alone” but the guy you label “creepy guy” is the one who made a pass at you after you probably shared a motel room with him (shocker! lol) and then was awkward towards you afterwards. This is why women go missing while hiking…My advice, stop wearing yoga pants and complaining about guys staring at your ass while you hike in front of them. Sure you can wear whatever you want and that’s your right, but if I walk around with spandex pants on showing off my dong print I’m not going to be surprised and upset when I catch some girl looking at my crotch. Use common sense. Also, don’t act flabbergasted when a guy makes a pass at you after you share a motel room with him. No, we do not live in some futuristic societal structure where men have attained zen-like mastery over their natural urges. If you share a motel room with a guy chances are he is at some point throughout the night/morning going to make a pass at you. Again, common sense. You seem to have a very inconsiderate and self-centered logic. Which is probably why you are hiking alone to begin with. My advice to avoid creepy guys on the trail, DON’T EVER HIKE ALONE.

    • erin : Mar 20th

      You, sir, ARE the creepy man type she’s talking about.

      • JJ : Oct 28th

        No, he’s not. He’s being realistic. Too many women today think they can do whatever they want, wherever they want to do it. That’s usually the result of bad parenting leading to an inflated ego. The wilderness is not the high school or college campus. It’s part of the REAL WORLD and in the RW, nature, biology and personal quirks rule. It always amazes me how many ladies go into the woods to experience “the wild” and are then shocked to find that many of their fellow kiers are part of that “wild.”

        There was a saying adopted many years ago – “Drive Defensively.” Well, you should “Hike Defensively.” Assume that any creature with a penis is a potential rapist . . . just like any bear is a potential man killer. Don’t hike alone. Carry a weapon.

        Did I mention “don’t hike alone?” Let me add to that . . . don’t choose a wimp as your companion. Find yourself a real Man who will fight for you or with you if necessary.

        You’re in the woods . . . Nature rules.

        • AndThenThereWereNone : Mar 12th

          When women train properly in self-defense (and offense) skills, we are fully capable of defending ourselves. The real issue is we often must train out of our nature the tendency to “not want to offend a person’s feelings” ( oh no! ) and learn to listen when our gut says something is off. It’s always right. Learn to take an attacker’s nose, knees and groin out without a second’s pause and 9 times out of 10 you’ll be fine…and you’ll have peace of mind that you can take care of yourself. Men are for friendship and company now…they are not a necessity. Not anymore. But we need to be smart and prepared.

          • Mike : Oct 8th

            I hate to break it to you but if you really think your “self defense” hitting to the nose, knees and groin is going to get you out of a bad situation you will not be helped. People who have trained to defend yourself this way have no real idea what a fight is, or a fight for your life. Remember that adrenaline will be on both sides. I have been in fights in my life, hit square in my balls, had no affect on me, just like most people. If you think you can kick someone just right to snap their ACL you dont knkw how hard it is to hit a loving target, one that is striking you. Plus, more than likely the person will grab you, now your Fed…. bring a gun or a knife, dont let anyone close enough to be able to reach you. Like 10 feet away, sounds like I’m crazy but one quick hop and they are on you. Most importantly like someone said above, dont go alone. Go with someone who you trust, known for more than 3 weeks and will help of needed. Hell what if you slip when climbing and break a leg. No one near you….. good luck
            Be smart and understand that the world is a cold, mean place. Just look at nature, the weak and unprepared are the ones who are made to be lunch. Be smart, not entitled….

      • Sharon : Feb 22nd

        Amen! I’m hoping that’s not a real reply on his part.

    • anelson : Mar 27th

      dude, you’re a douche. we, in fact, live in a society where it is a social expectation and requirement by law that we men control our natural urges. to not do so and make a pass at a woman simply because you’re in close proximity, without reciprocation, is fundamentally harassment and is a step away from rape. the fact that you are blaming Ms. Maxwell for this occurrence (btw, she justifies this decision in her article, which does not seem to indicate any form of flawed logic) says to anyone who is grounded in today’s social issues that you are way farther down the problematic spectrum than you might think. It is unfortunate that reality includes guys that do not adhere to these principles, but it is also a problem when male mentalities revolve around expressing condemnation of harassment while simultaneously victim-blaming. THAT is inconsiderate logic.

      • Mark : Feb 7th

        Women who hike alone are inviting problems., especially those who dress provocatively and flaunt their body’s “more obvious” feminine features. Yes, it is expected that men control their “urges” but women who dress “less than modest” and hike alone fail to realize (1) that men are hard wired to be aroused by the stuff they see and more importantly, (2) many of these “creepy men” she’s referring to are probably hiking those lonely trails because they are A) societal rejects that failed to “control those urges” you mentioned in the first place and cannot or will not conform to society’s rules of good conduct or its’ laws, and B) your standard, everyday, run-of-the-mill “creepy guy” in fact, may NOT be the standard… It might just be the one looking for a female that thinks that “she” is in control and can handle any situation that arises by having a “big girl” attitude who ventures out alone… The bottom line is this: if you are a girl, DONT HIKE ALONE! There’s a lot more out on those long trails than “creepy guys”., there are those who will do you HARM, and with your attitude, one day, you may just find one of those kinds. They are out there and the reason you don’t hear much about them is because they are very good at covering the evidence and hiding the bodies. Always, always, ALWAYS hike with a friend!

        • nikita : Mar 19th

          Good grief, what century are you living in? Women can, should, will, and DO hike alone all the time. We are equal, independent human beings, just like men. And some of us are taller and stronger than some men, so should THEY be worried about OUR urges? Oops, did I just display the wrong “attitude”?

          “Men of quality are not threatened by women of equality.” ~Thomas Jefferson

          “Women have been trained to speak softly and carry a lipstick. Those days are over.” ~Bella Abzug

          • Craig : Feb 3rd

            I actually sit here perplexed at some of these comments. For one a lady can hike where ever she wants when she wants and wear whatever she wants. I see a lot of men make reference that she’s wearing spandex pants and that she should be covering up so she’s not so attractive. Get a grip I mean really what kind of shit is that. First of all Lycra or spandex for anybody that hikes or works out knows it’s comfortable it allows you to hike longer because your legs don’t get as tired and overall is lighter and allows you more flexibility so don’t blame her blame yourself for being idiots and uncontrollable ones at that. I’m male 62 years old and have been working out hiking boarding and I’m fit as well because of a serious skiing accident I also wear Lycra to allow me to keep going longer. I’ve run across you dicks heads more than I care to but the reality is your allowed to be there as well so maybe you should focus on your hike and your plan instead of worrying about what someone wears and how it arrouses you or what you find offensive

        • Brock : Jun 21st


          Trying to use logic with these feminist types that choose to disown there sexual aggression on the world and spout off about, wearing whatever they want is pointless. Plus, you can always count on their beta men counterparts to sweep in and support their flawed ideology.

          Trying to have that discussion with people like this is like trying to argue drug policy with drug users, pointless.

          • Harry Ruebinawitz : Sep 24th

            Funny how Alpha Females preferred beta males !!!…..Great blog hash brown!

          • AndThenThereWereNone : Mar 12th

            Bwaaahaaaa. Oh, Luke. It’s to Obi-Wan you must go.

      • JJ : Oct 28th

        “Dude” . . . when you are HIKING you are no longer “in a society.” There are no “social expectations” and there is no one to enforce your “law.” It’s pure Nature and that includes PREDATORS . . . . humans and otherwise.

        BTW . . . making a pass at a woman IS NOT harassment and certainly is not rape . . . unless you’re some delusional feminist nut-case. It’s just a horny guy trying to score.

        Unless I’m mistaken . . . your dad probably did it to your mom and he did manage to score.

        Animals screw all he time. When you’re hiking, you’re in their world . . . not yours.

    • Caleb : Feb 17th

      Actually, you have inconsiderate and self-centerd logic. It’s choice to look at a girl. It’s your choice to room with her only because you mean to use her. It’s your choice to blame her, like some rapist would, for what happens. It’s true that she should be less concerned about looking attractive if her goal to avoid bad situations. But for a girl to have to start with that, is a sad thing, and not something we should use to start our campaign to end such creepy events. But, as a word of advice to girls: if you want a guy who’s avoiding the temptation to smoke, don’t dress like a cigarett. It’s about your soul, and an attractive face isn’t bad at all. But sexy… well, you get the point. (Middle ground, boys and girls. Middle ground)

      • JJ : Oct 28th

        hahahahahahaha You need to get out more Caleb

    • Thelma : Jan 2nd

      WTH! We’re you one of the creepers? You sound like a man who is threatened by women and don’t like the “turndown”. If yoga pants are someone’s clothing of choice to hike in, so be it. I hike in a skirt, I’m 6’2 ex basketball player and would kick your ass!! I can’t wait to meet “the creepers” on my section hike in may.

      • John : Oct 8th


        This is the attitude that can get you hurt. Yes, you’re 6’2″ former basketball player, probably very strong, yes for a woman….. this is where I upset half of you.
        A woman in general, let me repeat, in a general way men are stronger than a woman pound for pound. The bodies are made differently. Men have more muscle, more testosterone and more adrenaline, have a better hardwired brain for fighting. I’m sorry its nature, you know the place you’re out in. Mother nature is a total asshole, no forgiveness, no mercy, no heart.
        I’m 5’9″ and I would not have much of a hard time taking down a 6’2″ woman. If you are a woman and you think that’s total BS, zee what it feels like to be punched full force in the face by a man, not by a woman but by a man. The shock itself will end the fight you thought you had in you. Go take a jujitsu intro class and see what it truly feels like to have someone control your body. Than you may have an idea of what a fight really is.

    • Julia : Jan 15th

      I agree with this person’s comments. If you dress showing all your curves and everything, don’t be surprised if a guy is staring at you. And I also believe that the creepy guy was the one asking if you are hiking alone.

    • Dani : Jan 16th

      Manandknife: you are an idiot.

    • Cinda : Jan 16th

      Spoken like a true Creepy guy – you alone are responsible for your own actions. That’s not futuristic, just civilization.

    • Dalia : Apr 29th

      Ooh, YOU would be a creepy guy. Dong print? Really? No, we women are disgusted by it.

      • John Smith : Jun 18th

        ^^^ Case in point. Some women–and Dalia is among them–are happy to body shame men for exposing or highlighting their sexual bits. As if men want to see your mons, your camel toe, your saggy breasts, and your cottage cheese butt crack in your “comfortable” yoga pants and sports bra.

        Freakin’ hypocrites.

    • John Smith : Jun 18th

      “Dong print”. Epic! It’s actually quite likely that, rather than respecting your right to dress however you wish, women would privately body shame you and gossip about you in the trail culture by calling you a pervert, an exhibitionist, commenting on the size of your dong, etc. Some would even view your dong exposure as some sort of sexual affront. All the while they’d demand tolerance for their exposed breasts, perfectly framed buttocks, and camel toes.

      Weird world we live in.

  • Lisa Hackett : Jan 21st

    Great article! I agree sometimes women feel compelled to be nice to everyone. Why is that? I was in a scenario where a person was being very flirty and I wasn’t responding at all to the flirting but being sort of “dismissively nice”, and after awhile it just seemed plain rude that they were still there trying to flirt. It was obvious I wasn’t interested and it was making me uncomfortable. Why am I tolerating this? I said nothing and just started physically moving away from him as he was in mid-sentence, then turned my back to him and began walking. It worked! Now that is my approach of choice. If anyone is creepy I just physically remove myself without saying a word. The only response I’ve gotten from this is a slack jawed stare. Never any retaliation or comments yelled after me. Not sure how this would work on a thru-hike, but I sure do like it in other scenarios.

  • Wade : Mar 22nd

    Out alone in the woods by yourself isn’t a good idea no matter if you’re male or female. Besides “creepy men,” there are things like bears, storms, and things that you can trip over or fall off of. No matter the potential hazard, safety increases with numbers. Sometimes, having other people there can keep you from doing dumb things like, for example, deciding to hike in the woods alone. Let’s face it, some really odd people are attracted to placed like the AT, because they just don’t fit in well with normal society and might not be entirely mentally stable. Would you walk down the street in the hood flashing hundred dollar bills? No, because it’s asking for trouble. There are plenty of people out there who don’t give a you-know-what about your rights and will exploit that if given the chance. We call those people criminals or psychopaths. While it’s their responsibility to act a certain way, it’s also your responsibility to protect yourself.

  • Namee : Jun 26th

    How do you simply avoid all people while hiking? Really? I love nature and being alone, so I go hiking to get away from everyone but am always disappointed to see or go past people. I want to be alone and also, am a young girl so I also don’t want to be near anyone becuase they may kidnap me or something. Is the only option going off trail (with my legal handgun and tazer incase of dangerous animals)?

  • Will : Jul 3rd

    Wow so many varied and some crazy opinions here. As a guy i want to say its actually hard sometimes not to look at spandex butt, especially when you’ve been out in the woods for a month. Not that that makes it ok and i feel guilty if i catch myself doing it and try not to in the first place. But anyways, women should be able to hike alone and i’ve seen plenty by themselves on my hike so far. And i in fact try pretty hard to make girls feel comfortable by giving them space (like sitting several feet away when sharing a view) and being somewhat aware of what i say, after all when you’re hiking in the woods few things are more frightening than an uncomfortable situation with another person you dont really know. In the end people just need to try to be considerate, and most are. I can count on one hand the number of people i’ve met hiking that i didnt like or made me uncomfortable, and out of probably a few hundred, i think thats a pretty decent statistic

    • John Smith : Jun 18th

      Will–The funny thing is that women knowingly put their sexual bits on display–adorned, exposed framed, lifted, etc.–with the conscious or subconscious desire for those sexual bits to be looked at by the *right* man. All the while they cloak their sexual advertising with things like “comfort”, “style”, “don’t look”, “control yourself”, etc. They innately know that men are visually oriented creatures and they prey upon that fact.

      The fact that 80% of the male population isn’t also wearing yoga pants all day tells you everything you need to know about the “I wear them because they’re comfortable” lie. Indeed, women wear yoga pants because they are comfortable and because they expose their bodies in ways they think are sexually alluring.

      • AndThenThereWereNone : Mar 12th

        So, Hey John…how long you been a woman posing as a woman? Only way you’d know what a woman must be thinking…oh, wait a minute, that’s actually impossible. Sexism at it’s finest, folks. Dinosaur.

    • Sharon : Feb 22nd

      Very well said!

  • Tal : Oct 3rd

    The problem is creepy guys do not understand their behavior is creepy. So explicitly stating you want a certain action to stop is important. I for one, will be factoring in an additional 2k so that I NEVER have to share a hotel room.

    As a man I plan on being polite with women just like I plan on being polite with men. However I understand that I need to be a bit sensitive around women when you’re out in the woods alone so I plan on keeping a friendly but healthy distance unless invited to hike together etc.

    Great post.

  • msull : Dec 27th

    I have hiked 500 miles on the AT with my sister. I have considered over and over, a solo AT hike. I read this article to my husband. He agrees with some of the above comments from the men regarding clothes. He says this is reality for 20% of men… Ready women? .. ..if you don’t want to be looked or creeped on, then wear regular full length hiking pants. Not yoga pants. Don’t wear just a sports bra on top. Yoga pants and solo sports bras show off too many curves and MEN WILL LOOK and ‘possibly’ be more aggressive. Men wear full length hiking pants, so can women. Wow! Really? No ladies, I do not agree. Yoga pants are super comfy. I will look bad, smell bad and I WILL be hairy. Not attractive sounding to me, certainly I’m not wearing yoga pants to ‘be sexy’, but hubby says, YES, some of these disgusting gross men will NOT care and would rape ‘literally’ ….a ‘dirty’ girl. Gross. So to sum this up, you, a solo female hiker, should wear dowdy loose fitting shirts, no short shorts, and no yoga pants. If you are with other people, fine; wear, tighter cuter clothes. It is ultimately about BEING SAFE. I guess I kind of get it. So far, every time I prepare to (section) hike the AT, my husband ultimately comes along although he really doesn’t enjoy it. Cute! He hikes for me. Kinda sweet ladies:) And yes, I am an alpha female with a Beta Male! Note… as a section hiker, the men who I speak to on the trail can spot me immediately, and ALWAYS comment, on how CLEAN i look. They know… I am a section hiker. So, they notice me. Even I am a disgusting human being who reeks of BO and is muddy. I STILL…. look clean. hmmmmm…..So yes ladies, they do look and do notice and they do make judgements.

    It is a utopian naiveness that everyone else controls their behavior. Just because you wish this to be true, doesn’t change the reality that ‘others’ are not restrained.

    BTW, the above statement is my husbands final summary of this article.

    He is on a roll….

    You can only control YOUR behavior, not others….

    Its like going to a ‘bad’ neighborhood after dark. Ideally you should be safe wherever you are, but its just not reality.

    He is so precious!

  • George : Jan 15th

    If you run into him on the PCT, try to make Creepy Guy his trail name. The trail con create false feeling of intamacy. Dudes, should be able to see this as what it is rather than what they hope it is. All guys thinking of thru hike should read this. Don’t be Creepy Guy

  • Archangel : Jan 15th

    The guys who feel insulted by this article have to understand that us gals are conditioned to approach encounters with lone guys in the middle of nowhere as being a safety risk, whether or not that’s fair or true. I have had hostile interactions and yes, they’re few and far between, and most guys are great. But it’s that 0.01% that make me feel like I’m going to end up dead in a ditch that make me so antisocial.

    Also–wearing a gun cuts down on unwanted interactions considerably. Not trying to be weird or threatening, but just the sight of a gun in your belt makes people less apt to corner you in an unwanted conversation or ask if you’re out there “all by yourself.” That and a great RBF.

  • Robert : Jan 15th

    Where’s the article on creepy women ?

    • Mary : May 22nd

      As a woman, I can vouch for creepy women. There are some. My favorite moment ever involved a friend of mine in college. We were playing frisbee and she spotted a hot guy on a bike. Without thinking, she chucked it in his path. It go stuck in the spokes and he fell hard. For some reason, she thought he would be more interested with a concussion?

    • John Smith : Jun 18th

      You mean the creepy women who merely don’t like you so they will ruin your reputation and destroy your hiking experience by gossiping about you, calling you “creepy”, intimating that you’re a rapist, falsely accusing you of sexual wrongdoing, make fun of you if YOU wear tight, revealing clothing? THAT kind of “creepy woman”?

      Good question.

      I think it has to do, in part, with the social belief that only women can be victims. Therefore, it’s acceptable to do and say pretty much anything to a man.

  • Mark Stanavage : Jan 15th

    Wow, what a range of answers. Some women seem to be inviting trouble. That being said, we all have a brain. The ladies can wear the same light wicking material I do, and honestly I have respect for them. They are dressed for the occasion and not to be stared at or be noticed. If the “norm” is ignored, us guys need to keep our distance because it is trouble waiting to happen. If we can be chill and realize maybe the offering is meant as a gesture of being considerate. When I section hike, I pack a little extra, just because I know I’ll meet people who’ve been struggling, and I want to encourage them. Random acts of kindness.

  • Hev : Jan 15th

    I am appalled at the answers of people acting like men are cavemen and women are meat on a hook. Seriously, can’t control “urges”? women should be respected. Sure, if I see a good looking man walking around with his shirt off, I look, may even make a comment to myself in my head. Never in a million years would I take that as an invitation. Women should be given the same courtesy. If I’m wearing workout pants, sure look for a second (don’t gawk or stare), but don’t take it as an invitation or feel the need to say anything to me. You’re a grown ass adult, control yourself.

    These comments are ridiculous. Next they’ll say women should wear hiking burkas otherwise men will attack like packs of rabid wolves.

    • Mary : May 22nd

      I’m with you completely. The heck!?!?!? Women around the world wear yoga pants on the streets daily.

      And I could care less if someone looks at my ass. Seems weird but fine. I will look at hot guys when I see them too. Just don’t grab my ass. I find that particularly disgusting, especially from that guy in the club who grabbed a butt cheek so aggressively his thumb was basically up my ass. Not a fan. If you want to feel a boob, just ask. They’re just fat and I could care less. Guys look like we’re going to have them castrated when they accidentally rub up against one. Welcome to my world; they’re just in the damn way.

  • Sarabi : Jan 16th

    Pink Blazing and creepy guys? I hike to get away from these things. If I smile and I am nice to you (opposite sex) it’s not to turn you on. If a man offers me a honey bun and I want a honey bun, I will say yes. If he is rude and a jerk, I will tell him as much. If he makes unwanted, unwarranted comments, I will put him in his place. However, no matter where I am sleeping, wake up over top me rubbing anything and he will lose body parts! Wth… not all guys are creepy who hike. Most are not! But if you seek trouble and act the fool.. I will be happy to treat you like one!

  • Matthew : Mar 5th

    I find it quite hilarious that men seem to be commenting on how woman should and shouldn’t dress. It’s silly to think you have the right to comment on this. There is zero justification for a man being a creep! If you truely respect the other human beings in this world then you should understand this.

    • John Smith : Jun 18th

      ^^Beta male who won’t wear the male equivalent of yoga pants all week long because he’ll get made fun of by women who don’t like seeing his genitals and buttocks perfectly outlined.

  • Sofia : Mar 24th

    Be smart and do what makes you feel safest. It’s up to each individual , but I feel better and more comfortable in looser clothing. And I carry at least bear spray.Most people are nice, but be carefull everyone!

  • Garry : May 2nd

    My biggest fear in life is being labelled a “creepy guy”… thus my quandary.

    • Mary : May 22nd

      I’m going to agree with my father on this one. One woman’s romantic is another woman’s stalker. It has more to do with how a woman feels about said guy. Wait for signs she is interested. If in doubt, ask.

  • ?????????? ?????? ?????? : May 7th

    I’m gone to tell my little brother, that he should also visit this blog
    on regular basis to obtain updated from most up-to-date news update.

  • Rick : May 30th

    This is funny and not funny. Yes some guys think because a woman smiles at him she is interested. But guys using I’m a man and a man has to look. Only a weak man can’t control his behavior. However there are dangerous people everywhere and being 6’2″ woman or a 6’6″ man don’t make you safe if someone is out to harm you. Awareness and common sense goes a long way along with a Smith and Wesson.

  • John Smith : Jun 18th

    To represent all your fears about “creepy guys”, you pick a picture of a normal white man who happens to have facial hair and is missing some teeth. Because that’s what makes men “creepy”.

    Why didn’t you put up a picture of a sexually aggressive, hot guy with pretty teeth, a dashing smile and a “I’ll make all your wildest dreams come true” look?

    There’s nothing like a little prejudice and body shaming to get things rolling, eh?

    You see, I think you’re showing your hand and you don’t even realize it. You’re happy to invite attention from men, so long as they’re the *right” men. If it’s the wrong man–unattractive, bad teeth, a little nerdy or awkward–well then…he’s a creep. THAT is why men are sick and tired of women’s behavior in re: this subject.

    • Trailhead : Aug 21st

      What’s wrong, John Smith, Pocahontas turn you down?

  • Pat : Jul 23rd

    Well, very interesting comments hahaa. But seriously, where does a woman draw the line between creepy and being hit on genuinely? Men will hit on women, with good intentions, all the time.

  • Ugh : Jul 29th

    Look girls, it’s okay for guys to look and it is natural. The facts are, the only creepy guy was possibly the old man asking if you were alone. Ofc maybe he was concerned for you as well. If you are so scared of males and male attention, stay away from AT. I’m saying, if I were hiking for a week or more and guys were there, I would expect these situations and bunking with a guy yea… What do you expect? I think it’s kinda cute. Ofc if I were dumb enough to camp it with a stranger, I would be prepared to defend myself just in case. Don’t deliberately flash your sexy bits and then play innocent dumb victim. If you insist on hiking alone with men you don’t know.. Maybe learn a thing or two about men first.

  • Zed : Aug 9th

    John Smith dropping truth bombs all over this page.

    If “Creepy Guy” had been attractive and confident this would have been a post about trail romance.

  • Tom Brady : Oct 9th

    “Sadly, when your butt is covered in spandex, creeps see it as an invitation to stare.”

    As a Christian child of God I assure you that you have my unconditional respect and love…

    But why the heck do you think lingerie companies make the exact same pants w exact same material?

    Do you have any idea how hard it is not to look at a woman in lingerie?

  • Bod : Apr 22nd

    I think the blogger is in need of a little crowd funding for a a therapy sesssion. Approching women is an inate human behavior on the part of a heterosexual male. Some males are better at it than others, and those blessed with looks have it even easier. Only boundary crossed in your story is probably the guy stroking your back, but hey, you pretty much opened yourself up to that bag of worms by sharing a room with strangers. Great example of responsible, risk averse, behavior on your part. Curious to hear what Creeper Guy is telling his friends. Maybe about the time he ran across a real nutjob on the trail.

  • hikergirl : Apr 28th

    Maybe I’m rude, but as a woman I have no problem telling a creepy guy the way it is. I will tell them to get the frick away from me and I’m not interested. If they offered me a honey bun, I’d just say don’t think this is an invitation to flirt with me. I’ve been in a few scary situations in the past, including an abusive relationship. I know nice is not the way to go to protect myself. Just my opinion.

  • Hiker : Jun 3rd

    Man that guy must have two dicks, he can’t be that stupid and only have one can he??


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