Fears, Faith, and Fun-employment While Thru Hiking

Committing to the PCT is something different than what everyone around me is doing. It seems like everything/one around me is telling me I need stability, money and a husband but on the inside I can’t get far enough away from wasting the world away. I’m a girl, with big dreams, and a few fears with taking on such a hiking venture by myself. Here they are:

Opa’s Fears About Thru Hiking:

Getting Lost on trail - i.e. What if I get turned around and can't find water in the desert?
Spending Money and not Making Money - How much is the right amount to spend on a Thru Hike? What's the cheapest you can do it?

Post Trail Depression 

Separating from my dog

Not Finishing the Trail - injury or getting tired of hiking every day

Being lonely

Despite all of my fears I am confident that hiking the PCT is what I need to be doing next year. Here is a list of what has drawn me to the trail and what I hope to gain from it.

Opa’s Faith In Thru Hiking:

Sense of accomplishment - upon completing the trail

Building connections with people and nature - 'renewed faith in Humanity'

Finding simplicity  - trying to find how to incorporate this into my life in society

Getting my inner vagabond out of my system - (let's be honest.. probably won't happen)

Find a way to help protect public lands

Utilizing the Human Body how nature intended 

Doing what makes me happy

Finding mental/physical/emotional strength

“I have endured, I have known hardship, I have lost myself. But here I stand, moving forward, growing stronger each day. I will never forget the harsh lessons in my life. The hardest lessons made me stronger”

I feel wacky, signing on to walk across the United States. From Border to Border, touching three countries.  I ask myself why all the time, I make lists trying to help myself understand why i’m doing this. Ultimately I think the worlds crazy, and life on trail reminds me of simpler times. In nature life is stripped down to its natural wonders. Worries are simple and solvable and perspective is vast.

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Comments 1

  • Curtis Murley : Dec 2nd

    It excites me to read about like minded bloggers. Everyone around me also tries to press the societal obligations, but society is miserable and I wake up every morning genuinely happy. If the PCT excites you, then you are doing exactly what you should be doing. Happy Trails.


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