Reading, Writing, and ‘Rithmetic: A small introduction

The Writing

My close friends and family all know that I don’t tell people very much about my emotions. They also know that instead of verbalizing that icky stuff, I write it ALL down in journals. Not diaries, journals. I own about ten journals of varying sizes that are loaded with my personal thoughts, turmoils, and, yup, those lovely things called emotions. To my knowledge no one but me has read them, and until I die, that is how it will stay. So, long story short: I write a decent amount, but not for the public eye. This will be the first time I purposely write for others to read, so, yeah. . . . here goes.

I am so good at smiling.

The Reading

I grew up backpacking with my family in California. Each summer, my mom, brother, cousins, aunts, uncles, and I would wander out into a wilderness and make camp for two or three nights. My first backpack was essentially a stuffed animal wolf without the stuffing that perfectly held the three chosen beanie babies that accompanied me every trip. The backpacks slowly got bigger, the beanies babies still crammed in somewhere, and it wasn’t until 2011 that I did my first “major” backpacking trip. By then the cousins had moved onto college and some family friends had replaced them. It was a seven-day adventure, covering about ten miles each day while walking on snow-covered trails near Carson Pass. The plan was to cross paths with Dani “Genius” Kelley, the daughter of our family friends, who was NOBOing (northbounding) the PCT. We did just that, and ever since then I have wanted to hike the PCT. I also despise taking showers and love exercising/being active/exploring the outdoors, so what better way to spend my time than hiking twenty plus miles each day with no running water or bathroom facilities?

Because for some reason this backpack is still in our gear box.

It was sort of lazily written on my bucket list. The kinda thing where it takes so long, (and I can’t plan my life for shit), so who knows if it is actually going to happen? Then I graduated from college, was absolutely mentally pooped, and decided to avoid the real world for as long as possible (pretty much until I need to start paying for my own health insurance). I moved to Colorado to be a ski instructor at Copper Mountain, met the raddest group of people, and realized how much more there is to life than textbooks and desk jobs. I work an excess amount of time in the winters (we’re talking seven W-2’s for my taxes) to be able to play in the summers and decided that this summer, when the Sierras have been nuked on with snow and California has constant flood warnings, would be the perfect summer to hike the PCT and make that goal a reality.

The ‘Rithmetic (sort of)

I have told too many people about this plan for it to not happen at this point. I mean, I at least have to attempt it. Anything could happen on a 2600 mile, five-month journey, and I am stoked to find out. I did some reading before hand – the PCT data book and blogs – and am now roughly planning out each day: mileage for the day, total mileage, elevation to be gained and lost, where I’ll probably camp, restock sites, how many inches to cut off of my hair, all that jazz. Numbers and notes in a handy-dandy Excel spreadsheet, the Reading, the Writing, and the ‘Rithmetic. None of which will probably matter by the time I am deep on the trail.

I will try to keep this blog moderately updated and as. . .interesting as possible. Maybe do some parodies, a poem here and there, who knows? If you’re reading it, thanks. ‘Preciate it and Cheers ’til the next blurb.

P.S. The photo is from a backpacking trip loooong ago. I don’t take pictures pretty much ever, so this one seemed the most fitting out of my limited options. Sorry Cousins.

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Comments 7

  • Carol McCollam : Feb 21st

    Very cool Linnea! So glad you’ve decided to share this journey with your friends.

    • Linnea Delucchi : Feb 21st

      Thank you Carol! Gonna try to write not too much but not too little. It’s weird doing a trip without Katie though…

  • Rob Ueltzen : Feb 23rd

    A great start on your PCT blog! Looking forward to following you when you’re on the trail. Let me know if there is anything if I can do to help.

    • Linnea Delucchi : Feb 24th

      Will do! Nancy has already given me so much info, thank you for that reference!

  • David Tucker : Feb 24th

    I like your writing style and I hope to see more of it. Who knows, our paths may cross. I start April 21st. Best of luck.

    • Linnea Delucchi : Feb 24th

      Thank dude! Hike slow and I’ll catch up to ya, I’m starting closer to May. Good luck to you as well. It is going to be a crazzzy run through the Sierras.

  • Pam Elliot : Apr 27th

    Have a fantastic trip! We are so impressed with you!
    Much love and happiness on your adventures!!
    Pam and family


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