Wrightwood to Agua Dulce and Hiker Heaven

84 Miles

That’s how far it is from Wrightwood to Agua Dulce. I did this in 4 days, the last two of which were over 90 degrees and really tested my mental strength.

Besides the heat, the last 4 days included summitting Mount Baden Powell (which still had patches of snow) and then descending thousands of feet back into the desert where no amount of umbrella could provide enough shade.

Life-Saving Magic

The North Fork Ranger Station provided water and cold soda which was a welcome break from the heat, provided and maintained by the ranger and a local non-profit.

Yesterday, after hiking 23 miles and with 2 hot miles to go, I had run out of water.  Thankfully, magic exists! From afar, I saw a black plastic bag near the side of the road, and upon inspection realized it was a bag full of ice cold Gatorade with a note from a hopeful 2018 Hiker. Thank you!

Hiker Heaven

Hiker Heaven is the home of the Saufley’s, trail angels in Agua Dulce. I arrived Monday evening after my 24 mile hike in extreme heat in the desert, and after I guzzle the cold Gatorade.

I am continually impressed by the generosity of trail angels out here. Below I’m going to provide a brief list of the services that Hiker Heaven provides for me and my fellow thru-hikers.

Services and Amenities

  1. Camping available anywhere on their property
  2. Laundry and loaner clothes
  3. Sewing machine
  4. USPS packages for outgoing mail
  5. High-speed internet
  6. Indoor and outdoor shower
  7. Ice water
  8. Rides to and from town every hour
  9. Rides to REI
  10. Extreme hospitality
  11. Many places to hang in the shade
  12. 11 portable toilets



A view from the final 10 miles into Agua Dulce.


The tunnel under highway 15.


Vasquez Rocks! A sweet place to walk through right before getting into Agua Dulce.


A-Game and I hanging out in the shade at Hiker Heaven. This location is where I composed this blog post.


Hiker Heaven!


Laundry, wifi, and mending tents at Hiker Heaven


A humble Hiker Heaven abode


Hiker Heaven Hanging


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Comments 1

  • Bruce H : May 23rd

    Hooray for trail angels & Hiker Heaven – what blessings! Great reading & following – thank you.


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