So long Norway; the mountains are calling and I must go!

Finally! The countdown has started.

I will in less than three weeks travel from Norway across the ocean and embark on my journey on the Pacific Crest Trail. Solo from Ashland to Stehekin. I am beyond excited. Words cannot describe the childish joy I feel thinking of my departure. When I leave everyone and everything behind with 60 days of hiking, suffering and the bliss of nature laying ahead of me.

So much to do..

Leaving home is not the easiest walk in the park for me. It means that a lot of planning and “dreams-can-come-true” type of magic needs to happen. Being a single mom with three kids and at the same time running a small farm means there are many beings; small humans and animals, that needs to be taken care of when adventure-mom awakens. Especially when she finds out that she needs to travel half across the world to find some much needed alone time. That may to some people seem insane; the need to hike 900 miles, just to breathe. Why couldn’t I be satisfied with just a coffee in peace and quiet somewhere or go away on a long weekend to a remote place? No…

I decided my inner nomad had been suppressed long enough. Going through three pregnancies and raising three magical rascals has taken its toll and the idea of just being me and tend to my own needs for a while seemed beyond appealing. The simplicity of eat, sleep, walk, repeat. Yes, and of course all the other things; blisters, mosquitoes, being exhausted and so on. That sounded appealing too. But the thought of being emerged in nature and meeting a bunch of excellent like minded souls makes me feel like the luckiest person on earth.


Finally after a year of planning, I am up side down in gear and resupply and maps. Prep-walking with my pack. Signing up for explorer insurance plans and InReach plans. Feeling utter joy and healthy butterflies. Even though there is chaos on the outside I feel pretty ready mentally. Making a list of “why am I doing the hike” and blogging about my preparations have been excellent help. Spending a lot of time in nature has helped a lot to boost my confidence; both with or without my gear. Alone or with friends. Reading blogs and books, watching videos and listening to hiker-podcasts has given great inspiration. I believe feeling inspired is one key to success. Passion for the outdoors another. The need for solitude and peace of mind maybe the strongest one. I feel ready.

So Norway, I love you, but I have to go. The mountains overseas are calling.

I can’t wait.



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