Smokies to Damascus

The road from the Smokies to Damascus has been a real test of character and strength both physically and mentally. There have been some amazing sights, and many I did not get to see due to rain for multiple days straight, but the things we did see were spectacular. So far the Roan highlands have been my favorite place on the trail. Walking them makes me feel like I was walking through a fantasy novel, specifically LoTR. We got side tracked with trail magic often, but socializing is a huge part of the trail.

I will be coming up on 500 miles shortly and it is hard to believe a quarter of the adventure is over. The guys I am hiking with are awesome and the people I have met have all been amazing. The culture out here is so different, but spectacular on its own. The same principles guide us all, and we truly do feel special out here.

Well Im packing up from trail days and hitting Grayson highlands next to see the wild ponies. It will feel great after 3 days of partying to get back on trail and really hike.Happy Trails.

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