The Great Dumpster Dive of 2016

I am in Damascus now waiting for people to finish showering and realized I havent updated in a lot longer than I hoped.. It is suprisingly busy out here, and Typing these on my phone is a chore and a half when I could be using my hands to eat instead ;).

This incident took place a few weeks ago in Hot Springs, NC. There was a collective Mass of hikers settled in this small town due to a forest fire on the next 17 miles of trail and people had to be shuttled around. So we decided to get a riverside cabin and take a zero day along with everyone else. It was about 11am on a beautiful sunny day. Stretch, Indy, Pyro, and myself were sitting outside our cabin dtinking some beers and Stretch decided to get some Ice… So he takes the cooler and within 5 minutes is running down the path yelling trail magic and carrying a cooler full of Microbrew beers. HEAVEN.

Apparently, The resort store was getting ready to open for the season and was throwing out all their old cold beer into the dumpster. Well word of this took the town by fire and within 20 minutes hundreds of hikers were dumpster diving for free beer. It was a frenzy, cases and cases were being taken away. They tried to stop it, put a lock on the side door and a log over the top. The log was moved and even at midnight, hikers were still taking 4-5 cases of beer at a time.

It was an amazing day of day drinking, playing in the river, going into the amineral Hot Tubs, and playing cards while smoking cigars and letting our feet rest.

Pure Trail Magic that nobody could setup better.

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